RESOURCES Here you can find manuals, instructions and forms, with which we can carry out our services in an optimized way FORMS Income Tax Return Intake FormComplete your information to prepare your personalized Professional Services quote. FILL ONLINE Form W-4, Employee's Withholding CertificateUsed by employees to inform their employer about the amount of federal income tax to withhold from their paycheck. PDF 732KB Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and CertificationUsed by businesses or individuals who need to report income paid to independent contractors, freelancers, or other non-employees. PDF 732KB Downloads Medzam Consulting BrochureAll the information about our organization and the services we provide. PDF 21MB Responsibilities and Obligations for Business OwnersA guide to know everything a business owner must comply with at the Federal, state and local level. PDF 52MB 2025 Tax Season ChecklistA list to help you remember the essential documents you may need as a guide for a smooth tax filing experience. PDF 199KB TUTORIALS Client Portal MOBILE APP Use TutorialA guide to learn how to use our Client Portal from your smartphone. Próx. Client Portal DESKTOP Use TutorialA guide to learn how to use our Client Portal from your computer. Próx.